A good answer might be:

Probably not. We have not specified how deposits and checks are processed.

More Requirements

The requirements describe what each method does. The method to accept a deposit adds an amount (in cents) to the current balance. The current balance can be negative or positive.

The method to process a check subtracts the amount of the check from the current balance. Overdrafts are allowed, so the balance can become negative. However, if the balance is less than $1000.00 before the check is processed, $0.15 is charged for each check.

To simplify the program, assume that all input data is correct (so the methods do not check for errors.)

It is time to think about design. The first thing to do is sketch out the class definition

class CheckingAccount
   instance variables




The instance variables is where the declarations of variables go.


Think of a reasonable variable name (identifier) and data type the following:

Account number. ____________  ____________ 
Name of account holder. ____________  ____________ 
Current balance. ____________  ____________